Together with Martin Oeggerli we have made some SEM images of sperm and Martin them arranged an colored them: We can see that the larger sperm of M. lignano has long protrusions called sperm bristles, while the smaller sperm of M. pusillum does not have them. Our research indicates that...
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Macrostomum brandi
what an amazing surprise
Say hello to Macrostomum brandi, a flatworm species that was named in my honor!
It might not mean much to most people, but I’m really excited. 😊
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Rapid evolution of reproduction-related transcripts
1st Thesis chapter published!
The first chapter of my PhD Thesis is published! For this project I inherited a dataset produced before I joined the lab. The data consisted of a large RNA-Seq dataset for three Macrostomum species (M. hystrix, M. spirale and M. pusillum) with high sequencing depth across multiple biological conditions. We...
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What can we learn from tiny worms?
A brief outline of my PhD project.
My PhD work is part of a greater project called “The evolution of sex allocation and its correlates in Macrostomum”. On this project I collaborate mainly with my supervisor Lukas Schärer and my fellow PhD student Pragya Singh. To understand what the project is about I will try and unpack...
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