How did regeneration evolve across the planarians?

Regeneration, the ability of an organism to regrow lost parts, is a fascinating phenomenon. While some animals, like starfish and lizards, can regrow certain body parts, we humans have limited regenerative capabilities. Planarian flatworms are champions of regeneration. They are able to regenerate the entier body from tiny fragments. However,... [Read More]

Macrostomum radiation in the African Great Lakes

I’m thrilled to share my latest research about the fascinating African Great Lakes region, a location known to many as a treasure trove for studying speciation. Decades of research have revealed the remarkable story of the speciation of the famous cichlid fishes in the African Great Lakes. More than 200... [Read More]


Pseudoreplication means that you mistakenly treat experimental samples as independent. I commonly see this error in publications. Here is how to spot and avoid it: [Read More]

Large images of small sperm

Together with Martin Oeggerli we have made some SEM images of sperm and Martin them arranged an colored them: We can see that the larger sperm of M. lignano has long protrusions called sperm bristles, while the smaller sperm of M. pusillum does not have them. Our research indicates that... [Read More]